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Two hoards studies


Genio popvli romani:
Here are two links to download studies made by Vincent Drost ( about two hoards of folles found in France. What is common to these two hoards, is the amount of coins contained (+/-1000) and the fact that they both came intact which is the guaranty of a coherent material to make some conclusions. Worth to note, is the number of unpublished coins (RIC, Bastien, Zschucke). Unfortunately (not for me), they have been published in French. But index of coins, including references and plates are easy to understand even for those that not read French.
If anybody needs to have a few lines translated, I could try, if not too long.

First one, in Larrée (Morbihan, N-O of France)

Second one, at Mont Saint Sulpice (Burgundy, less than 10 kilometers from my house  ;D )

You can find these two links with some other interesting ones on the Hisoma portal :

Thank you for the links.


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