It indicates that this reverse type is one of the earliest of the *| issue. H. Huvelin had noticed this fact and wrote :
"Indeed, many die match identified between the two issues can not be accidental, mainly related to reverse MARTI CONSERVATORI * |, linked to two types PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS * | and PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS (globe and scepter for all ages) * | associated with MILIT CONCORD, COMITI AVGG NN and PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS (two standards) | *. This suggests that these two types were struck at the beginning of the issue * |. FELICITAS AVGG NN, ROMAE AETER AVGG, ROMAE RESTITVAE and SECVRITAS AVGG being a little later and PM TR P COS II PP for recalling the second consulate when it was ending."