I just bought a group of 20 Constantinian London coins from the latest CNG auction. here is the description--
ROMAN. Imperial. Lot of twenty (20) London mint Æ Folles. Includes: various Constantinian rulers and types of mid-late reductions. Average VF - Near EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. Twenty (20) coins in lot.
From the Dr. Malcolm Lyne Collection.
The strange thing, is that if you look closely at the tags, you can see that most of these coins are from the Appleford Hoard. CNG seems to have forgotten to include what, at least to me, seems to be an important detail. They also sold some single coins from the hoard; which they described as such.
The Appleford Hoard was discovered in 1954 and contained 5,752 coins, most from the Constantinian period.
Here is a link to the article by C. King, “The Appleford Hoard” Revue belge de numismatique
http://www.numisbel.be/inhoudstafel.htm#vol123If the link doesn't land in the right section, scroll up or down to find it--- it is the 1977 volume