Author Topic: Maximianus HERCVLI INVICTO AVGG from Lugdunum  (Read 433 times)

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Maximianus HERCVLI INVICTO AVGG from Lugdunum
« on: February 09, 2025, 01:08:58 PM »
another Maximianus with Hercules reference


A.D. 289
Ӕ Antoninianus 23mm 3.8g
IMP C MAXIMIANVS P AVG; Radiate and cuirassed bust left, holdig spear and shield.
HERCVLI INVICTO AVGG; Hercules stg. l., holding Victory on globe, club and lion’s skin; in left field S.
RIC Vii Lugdunum 369

Ex Grohs-Fligely collection 1875-1962, with collector's ticket.


Anton Grohs-Fligely was born in Transylvania in 1825. Anton Grohs had initially been initiated into the priesthood by his family, but after two years of study in the seminary he realized that this was not the life for him. He came to Vienna in 1847, where he began studying pharmacy at the university. So,after earning his living first working in a brewery and then in a tannery, he finally became a pharmacist working in several pharmacies in Vienna. Of a curious nature and animated by an innovative spirit, he invented and prepared gelatine preparations used for the production of capsules, tablets, sugared almonds and suppositories, becoming famous in his field so much so that, in 1870, he received the concession to manage a large pharmacy in Vienna, the Apoteke zur Austria in Wahringstrasse 18 and which still exists today. (from