my latest Maximinus. Another coin rated in common in RIC; but it seems a little harder to find than that would indicate. I hesitate to use the phrase "finest example known" but it is pretty sharp.
This coin is sort of a gift to myself; though I would have bought it regardless. It's my 22nd anniversary today and the gift for that year is copper and this is close enough.
S-P across the reverse might stand for Sacra Pecunia, similar to the SACRA MONETA types issued in Central and Western mints at the same time.
Maximinus II
A.D. 305- 306
Ӕ follis 22mm 9.8g
GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
CONCORD IMPERII; Concordia standing facing, head left, leaning on sceptre with right hand and holding fold of drapery with left; S-P across fields, B in right.
In ex. ALE
RIC VI Alexandria 52
Ex Jean Elsen 152 (9 Sept 2022) lot 810; Ex Jean Elsen 64 (2 DEC 2000) lot 605