Author Topic: R.I.P. Roma  (Read 1486 times)

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Online Victor

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R.I.P. Roma
« on: May 19, 2024, 01:15:13 PM »
Roma Numismatics will cease to exist at the end of this month. It's a shame, because they were in my top 3 favorite auction houses. I have shown the coins below already; but here are my last Roma purchases ever. I was a little concerned about these coins as customs in England sent them back to Roma as "prohibited goods" It got sorted though, and Roma shipped them again.


 Maximinus II
A.D. 310
Ӕ follis 26x27mm 5.9g
MAXIMINVS NOB CAES; bust l., helmeted [with gryphon crest] and cuirassed with gorgon on breast, spear over r. shoulder, shield decorated with two horsemen with draco standards and four prisoners on l. arm.
SOLI INVICTAE; Sol, rad. and in long robe, stg. facing, head l., r. raised, l. holding up globe, in facing quadriga; two horses turn l., and two right; in middle B.
In ex. ANT
cf. RIC VI Antioch 144


Constantine I
A.D. 312- 313
22mm 3.6g
CONSTANTINVS P F AVG; laureate & cuirassed bust right.
ROMAE AETER AVGG; Roma, helmeted, seated left, holding branch in right hand and globe in left; star in left field.
In ex. PLN
RIC VI London 269; LMCC 7.12.002