Two Constantine I as Caesar from Carthage in this group lot-- two top coins on the right
Constantine I
A.D. 306
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; laureate head right.
SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART; Carthage standing facing, head left in long robe, holding fruits in both hands. H in left field.
In ex. Γ
RIC VI Carthage 51c
Constantine I
A.D. 307
FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES; Laureate head right.
CONSERVATOR AFRICAE SVAE; Africa standing facing, head left, in long drapery with elephant- skin head-dress, right holding standard, left tusk, at feet to left lion with captured bull, in right field I.; SE in left field, F in right.
In ex. Δ
RIC VI Carthage 58