Here’s a new one I just received: Maxentius AETERNITAS. I had always wanted one of these coins with the Dioscuri reverse, but I also wanted to hold out until I got one with the wolf and twins as well. This iconography shows that Maxentius is trying really hard to be the most Romanish Roman of them all. I also like what appears to be some spatial depth to the coin; it’s as if there are three layers: horses in the background; Dioscuri slightly in front, and wolf with twins slightly in front of them. That’s probably an impressionistic reading; the wolf might simply be occupying the same depth as the Dioscuri; the horses definitely seem to recede into the background.
This coin shows nice detail, though the dealer notes that it is “stripped and retoning.” Maybe in another thousand years it will have a nice patina. Still attractive in my lifetime, though.