I recently purchased these at a foreign auction.
I was only trying to buy the Caesar coin, but accidentally bought the one before it . (it happens, these auctions move fast)
the Marius Coin or Medal I can not find listed on the web. here is the auction description in German I think
C. Marius, gest. 86 v. Chr. Bleiguss-Medaille (bronziert) nach Art des Valerio Belli 28.63 g. Vs.: C MARIVS VII COS, Kopf n. l., Rs.: VICTORIA CIMBRICA, Tropaeum
The Caesar coin, they misspelled the name Julius I think here is what the listing says.
C. Iulius Caesar, gest. 44 v. Chr. AE-Medaille 19.97 g. Vs.: C. CAESAR DICT. PERPETVO, Kopf mit Königskranz n. r., Rs: LEVCA, Caduceus und Fasces (gekreuzt) zwischen Handschlag, Globus und Securis. Klawans 21, 3 (stempelgleich)
I found a few that look like the Caesar coin, one says $4250 one says $9000 with the same or similar design.