It should be RIC VIII Lyons 12, but this coin is attested with a H6 bust (only head velied).
Howerver, it looks clear to me that it is a D6 bust (veiled, drapped and curised).
We could also have RIC VIII Lyons 17: DIVO CONST-ANTINO P, no S in reverse field.
Bastien - "Le monnayage de l'atelier de Lyon" (De la mort de Constantin à la mort de Julien : 337-363)- calls all Lugdunese busts of Divus Constantine "veiled, draped and cuirassed r.", some additionally with laurel wreath.
He found no RIC 12 with S in field, just RIC 17, palmPLG in ex. but no S in field:
his no. 23, officina P like yours, five spec. recorded, BM, Berlin, 2 in Oxford, Gautier;
his no. 26, officina S, three spec., 2 in Vienna and 1 in a hoard.