Author Topic: Maximinus II IOVI from Alexandria  (Read 1541 times)

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Maximinus II IOVI from Alexandria
« on: June 29, 2017, 02:21:01 PM »
this coin is being sold as an unofficial issue, but it does not look right right to me. The flan doesn't look ancient and the letters look more like modern fakes than ancient unofficial issues. Out of curiosity, I put a modest bid on it, which I won, so I will be able to see it shortly.

Maximinus Daza AE-Follis Alexandria Jupiter
Kaiser: Maximinus Daza, 309-313 n.C.
Nominal: AE-Follis.
Stadt: Alexandria.
Vs.: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS PF AVG   Bel. Buste des Kaisers nach rechts.
Rs.: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG   Jupiter steht nach links, halt Victoria und Zepter, zu Fussen Adler, im Feld: Kranz A und N, im Abschnitt: ALE.
Erhaltung: sehr schon, babarische Pragung, braune Patina.
3,85g,  23mm. Kamp.: 128.45.