Author Topic: How do members label/name their coin images?  (Read 3078 times)

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Offline tjaart

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How do members label/name their coin images?
« on: February 06, 2017, 06:01:42 AM »
Hi all,

Since the start of my collection I have always kept all my coin details in text files. Recently I had some free time so I started to think of how to organise the collection better. I am currently in the process of designing and implementing a searchable database of all my coins. I also plan to use this as a way to add coins to the collection. One of the issues that I am currently facing is how to name my coin images. While I would like to have relatively short file names, I also want each file name to be unique as well be human readable/interpretable. I was wondering how the other members of this forum name/store their images? Do you keep names unique? Do you use a sub-folder structure?

Looking forward to hearing about your ways of organising images!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 02:08:41 PM by tjaart »

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Re: Hwo do members label/name their coin images?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2017, 09:45:35 AM »
I make folders for each ruler. I have been inconsistent with naming pictures, but now I try to name them after their catalog number. So RIC VII London 143 for Crispus is named London 143 and put in the Crispus folder. Sometimes I have multiple examples of the same coin and will add a number after like London 143.1. I am not consistent for Not in RIC coins, I will try to use another reference if possible or something like this- London_before144.

Offline tjaart

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Re: How do members label/name their coin images?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2017, 02:13:17 PM »
Hi Victor,

thanks for your answer. How do you distinguish between mintmarks for the same RIC number? An example of this is one of my campgates (RIC VII Nicomedia 121). I have four different mintmarks but the same RIC number. Do you simply add on the mintmark?

I am currently thinking along the lines of the following:

RIC Volume + City + number + Mintmark or distinguishing feature.

I am guessing so far this will be the minimum info to identify a coin uniquely.


Offline Victor

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Re: How do members label/name their coin images?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2017, 04:44:53 PM »
for different workshops of the same RIC number I usually do something like Nicomedia121a (for workshop A) and Nicomedia121e (for epsilon). If I have other examples of the workshops, I just add a number after the workshop- Nicomedia121a2, for my second example from the 1st workshop.

Offline livingwater

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Re: How do members label/name their coin images?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2017, 08:02:59 PM »

For my photos files I describe the Greek coins by city first, Roman coins by ruler first, Roman Provincials by city first.  After that is the weight, width, reference (with mint name for Roman), when and from whom I bought it.  But photo programs have a limit to the number of letters I can use, I think it's around 130.  All the photos are alphabetical A to Z.  I think about 60% of the photos are my own.  I keep the photos on my cell phone and on backup drives in case my computer crashes.  Someday when the collection is sold I or my daughter can send the photos in a flash drive to dealers for consideration to buy or sell on consignment.

This works for me but others may have something better for themselves.  Many auction sales list Greek coins geographically from west to east and Roman coins chronologically by ruler.  But one would need to use a number first in each photo to keep them ordered this way.

I also keep a document file of my collection, number 1 the order I bought them.  Each coin has a brief one line description with the cost.  At the end is the total cost so I know how much I've spent over the years.   My wife sometimes comments it's too much!

« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 08:45:51 PM by livingwater »